BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2018 User's Guide

Configuring a dynamic collection

Because a dynamic collection saves the criteria of a search and not the search results, you can later edit those criteria to modify the search results. You can also configure other features of a saved dynamic collection for use by read-only Meridian Power users.

To configure a dynamic collection:

  1. Select an existing dynamic collection from the Navigation views list in the shortcut bar or the current view button.
  2. Select the root node of the collection. Property pages of the collection appear in the properties pane.
  3. To modify the search criteria, select options on the General, Property Filters, and References tabs as described in What & Where options, More Criteria options, and References options respectively.
  4. To change the columns that are displayed by the collection, on the Columns tab, add columns to the Displayed columns list and arrange their order with the arrow buttons. The top to bottom order of the columns (properties) on the Columns tab determines the left to right order of the columns in the collection view.
  5. To configure the collection for read-only Web Access, on the Custom Find tab, select options and type text using the descriptions of the options in the following table.
Custom Find options
Option Description

Make this query available to Web Access users

Enable this option to make the collection accessible by read-only Meridian Power users via a URL. For information on the syntax of the URL, consult a system administrator or refer to BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator’s Guide.


Type a descriptive name to display as the page caption. This name will help users to recognize what the collection represents.

Sort search results on

Select a property to sort the collection on. By default, it is sorted on the Name property.

Quick Search

Enable this option to display the Name and Quick search options on the Find page in addition to the collection’s search criteria.

Show property filters

Enable this option to allow users to see the property filters that comprise the collection’s search criteria.

Allow user to edit the condition and value

Enable this option to allow users to select other search conditions and type other search values than those that define the collection’s search criteria.

Note    When this option and the Make this query available to Web Access users option are enabled, you might see different results in Meridian Power than in PowerUser when you initially view this collection. This is because it is assumed that you will edit the search criteria first before running the search. Criteria other than the properties and name (for example, folder and object type filters) are ignored when the collection is first shown.